Nov Update : Disposing of waste wood from older buildings

Disposing of waste wood from older buildings?

On 2 November 2023 the Government released a further update on regulations that concern  disposing of  waste wood from older buildings  by issuing a Regulatory Position Statement RPS291. This largely replaces the regulatory position statement RPS 250 which was withdrawn on the 31 August 2023. It applies to hazardous waste wood removed from domestic premises, demolition sites and other business premises that were built prior to 2007.

What is affected

Hazardous wood is any wood prior to 2007 that has been treated with creosote or paint including varnish, stain or preservative containing copper, chrome or arsenic (CCA). These were common ingredients in preservatives from the 1950’s  to 1995. From 1995 the presence of hazardous waste within timber is very much reduced and in some situations is non existent. According to the Wood Recyclers Association hazardous wood from before 2007 accounts for less than 1% of all construction and demolition timber.

RPS291 allows for the most common forms of wooden construction waste to be classified as Amber and to be mixed with non hazardous wood for the present time. RPS291 classifies a number of specific forms of wood based on treatments that were commonly used internally as opposed to externally.

ONLY these wood types as specified may be mixed with non hazardous, moved with non hazardous under a waste transfer note and processed as non hazardous.

Examples of the type of wood covered under RPS291

Pictures of various wooden house elements
Examples of timber from houses pre 2007

All other Timber from buildings prior to 2007 must be treated as hazardous.

Quarterly Testing

If you are a producer of Amber classified wood waste then there is an obligation to test this Amber wood waste on at least a quarterly basis and report the results. We can help you with this process. RPS 291 is a provisional position to allow further data to be collected. The regulation states that failure to comply with testing may result in the withdrawal of this RPS.

If you believe that you may be impacted by this change in regulation do please get in touch with us at Red Kite Recycling and we can help you with your site waste plan. Managing construction waste is one of our services.

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The End of Single Use Plastics

Changes are afoot

The relentless consumption of single-use plastics has triggered an environmental crisis, polluting our oceans, harming wildlife, and clogging landfills. The urgent need to transition away from this damaging cycle has led to the concept of a circular economy. A sustainable alternative that considers discarded materials as a resource rather than waste.

Embracing the principles of a circular economy marks a crucial turning point in our battle against plastic pollution. By reimagining the lifecycle of plastics, we can reduce our reliance on single-use items and instead promote the reuse, recycling, and repurposing of materials. This shift necessitates innovative designs, responsible production methods, and widespread adoption of eco-friendly alternatives.

Scotland was the first to introduce a ban on single use plastics on 1st June 2022. England and Wales are set to comply from 1st Oct 2023. The legislation bans throw away stirrers, plates, cutlery, balloon sticks and polystyrene trays and cups.

How is the industry responding?

Businesses have been redesigning packaging to be more durable and reusable, while consumers have also changed their behaviour, choosing to provide their own reusable drinking cups and shopping bags, selecting products that adhere to circular economy principles.

The end of single-use plastics aligns with the larger goal of conserving resources and protecting the planet for future generations. By committing to a circular economy, we not only address the immediate plastic crisis but also cultivate a sustainable mindset that champions ingenuity, environmental stewardship, and a harmonious coexistence with nature.

Single-use plastics have become emblematic of the throwaway culture that has dominated modern societies. These conveniences come at a high cost if they are not returned to the circular economy, and very few are. As a result, they might at best be incinerated and at worst accumulate in oceans, rivers, and landfills. Endangering marine life and infiltrating the food chain. The urgency to address this issue has prompted a growing recognition of the need to eliminate single-use plastics.

Corporations and industries are pivotal players in this transition. By adopting eco-friendly practices, redesigning packaging, optimising supply chains, and collecting back used items such as coffee pod return schemes. Consumers, armed with greater awareness of the environmental consequences, are increasingly making conscious choices by supporting businesses that prioritise sustainable practices.

Changing consumer behaviour

Local communities and grassroots movements are driving change as well. Clean up initiatives, educational campaigns, and advocacy for waste reduction are inspiring individuals to reduce their plastic footprint. Schools, NGOs, and community groups are raising awareness about the detrimental effects of plastic pollution, encouraging individuals to make eco-conscious decisions in their daily lives.

The end of single-use plastics signifies more than just a change in material consumption; it represents a cultural transformation toward a more responsible and conscious society. It is a testament to the collective power of individuals, governments, and businesses to align their efforts in pursuit of a healthier planet.

This is a very positive step towards changing the regard with which we hold for even the most lowly of materials that we use as we move closer to discarded materials being a resource rather than waste.

Red Kite Recycling provides recycling and waste management to companies with multiple sites and multiple waste streams, where there is complexity within their waste streams and we help return resources to industry. To see how we can help your business call us.

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